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I am a
Debbie Berebichez, PhD
Presented by
step up + If/Then
As the CEO of an educational company, I’ve delved into designing curriculum, writing scripts, and developing educational programs to support youth and inform the public about STEM.
As a Data Scientist, I collect data, analyze it, and teach others.
Indoor vs. Outdoor
I spend most of my time indoors but occasionally we film scenes outside too!
People vs. Alone
I spend most of my time collaborating with other people.
Creative vs. Defined
My work in science communication is very creative.
Science communicators are scientists who work to understand these complex topics and then use various skills in social science, humanities, and arts to engage their audience in a conversation. Working with several projects at a time, I am never in the same place! Sometimes I am behind the camera with a film crew, other times in the office with other data scientists, or traveling to explore new cultures! Regardless of where I am or what I am doing, I am always collaborating with people to create a product that helps the community learn and get inspired about physics-related topics.
Whether it is for entertainment, inspiration, or awareness, science communicators reach their audiences through different forms of media like television, radio/podcasts, blogs/articles, and social media. I write scripts and online blogs, as well as work with others to come up with creative ways to communicate science and data.
Now more than ever, it is important to inform the public about science and technology and how research in these areas impacts the world, our lives, and future generations. Physics is intertwined with our daily lives. Science communicators work to make physics more visible to the public!
My Work Needs
Essential Skills:
I mostly work together with other people to create media. Having a collaborative and team-player attitude is key to achieving the best results!
My job is all about communicating through different mediums. Whether it’s public speaking or writing, I have to be clear and concise with my communication efforts.
My life's path has not been straightforward. However, resilience in overcoming adversity has aided in my success.
Curiosity fuels my imagination and ability to make my science communication strategies more fun for others.
Days in the Life
Come along and explore what three days at my job might look like!
How I Work
Check out what my place of work looks like on an average day.
This is what my workspace looks like!
Inspirational posters.
Lots of cameras.
Lighting equipment.
A hot cup of coffee.

Did you know...
Time reversal isn't just science fiction!
“Time reversal” sounds like Sci Fi but is a fundamental concept in physics. One application is the “arrow of time” meaning the movement of time towards the future is different from the movement of time toward the past. Laws in physics are thought to be “time reversal invariant” meaning they work the same way forwards and backwards, but scientists are exploring situations where this “symmetry” is not the case! I developed a framework during my PhD for looking at time reversal using a laser beam that would allow a focused image at the very end of the beam to be projected somewhere else.
These are the parts of my job I find particularly rewarding.
Working with people! My job requires a lot of collaboration.
Being a role model for women pursuing physics.
But everyone is different! Drag the circles to place them where you rate them.
These are the parts of my job I find particularly challenging.
Developing new scripts for a science communication piece.
Doing different projects all the time in lots of locations.
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These are the people I work with:
Media Producers
When I work on television, there is a whole production team that helps to make the show come to life.
Filmmakers & Editors
The people behind the camera capture and edit scenes so that they are the most eye-catching and exciting that they can be.
Computer Engineers
In data analysis, there is always a team of computer engineers who bring the data together afterward to apply it.
What’s next for my field of work?
One of the most exciting things about working in STEM is how fast things change. things that aren't possible today could be possible tomorrow.
Improved scicomm.
Science communication (or “sci comm”) is a versatile field that involves conveying scientific ideas, concepts and ways of doing science in an understandable, accessible and relevant way. Science communicators are scientists who work to understand these complex topics and then use various skills in social science, humanities and arts to engage their audience in a conversation. Whether it is for entertainment, inspiration or awareness, science communicators reach their audiences through different forms of media like television, radio/podcasts, blogs/articles and social media. There is something for all ages! As our lives become more advanced and entangled with technology, understanding our world becomes ever more vital and it is critical that we have science communicators who can help the public understand!
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PHOTOGRAPHER: Kerttu Penttilä • Illustrator: Mar Bertran Bellvehí
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