Bayan Mashat •  Game Developer

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Tips from Bayan Mashat
  • Developing a game takes a lot of different skills and a big imagination. Having the courage to take on new challenges and show your work to the world are key pieces to being successful in the video game industry.

  • The video game industry can be very competitive. Building your professional network through mentors and other supportive people can be crucial to getting a job. And when it’s your turn, make sure to be an advocate for or mentor to others.

  • Writing code is like learning a new language. It can take many hours and even days in front of a computer to get something right. Practicing and building experience is the best way to achieve the end result that you want.


Discover other creative people and careers that are similar to game development or experiential design.

Recommended Resources

  • Listen to a Video Game Podcast

    Listen to experts in the field talk about all things video games, reviews, and new games coming out.

    Listen Here →

  • Coding Practice

    Girls Who Code provides coding courses, mentorship, workshops, summer programs and more for girls interested in programming.

    Read More →

  • Make Your Own Game

    Codea for iPad lets you create games and simulations built on the Lua programming language. It combines creativity, critical thinking, and math suitable for grades 8-12.


  • Start Playing

    Scratch is the world’s largest coding community for kids. Create stories, games and animations and share them around the world.

    Try it here →

This spotlight was made possible by Society for Science

Society for Science is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization best known for its award-winning journalism through Science News and Science News Explores, its world-class science research competitions for students, including the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair, and its outreach and equity programming that seeks to ensure that all students have an opportunity to pursue a career in STEM.


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PHOTOGRAPHER: Ella Sophie • Illustrator: Ana Latese


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